Ballet AZ Blog

[VIDEO] How to Break in Pointe Shoes

break in your pointe shoes

Although there are multiple ways you can break in your pointe shoes, Fabiola Ambrosio, faculty member and Upper Division Coordinator for the School of Ballet Arizona, shows us how she does it.

“Before you start to work with your shoes, you need to prepare them,” says Fabiola. It’s important that your shoes feel like a “second skin” she says. If possible, have your first pair of pointe shoes made at a ballet shop. That way, you can get the proper measurements to ensure the best fit.

When you receive your shoes, you must sew on the ribbons and an elastic piece. Once those are in place, you can then begin to break them in with exercises.

Fabiola suggests doing many élevé’s—which includes a very high half point and a small plié. She also says you can go over the platform to half point to continue slowly molding the shoe into your foot’s shape.

To find out more tips on how to break in your pointe shoes, click play on the video below.


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