A Letter From Executive Director, Samantha Turner

In celebration of Ib Andersen’s 20 anniversary season, I’d like to take this opportunity to look back at the many achievements Ballet Arizona has realized thanks to the tremendous support we’ve received from our community, our champions – our family.
Over the past 20 years, Ballet Arizona has grown and accomplished so much that I wonder if anyone could truly understand what they were helping to create. In that time, Ballet Arizona’s artistry has become nationally recognized, on par with the largest ballet companies in the country. We’ve been able to give more than 100,000 people the gift of live performance through the Community Angel Night program. We’ve produced more than 100 free Ballet Under the Stars community performances for nearly 300,000 Valley residents. And through the School of Ballet Arizona, more than 10,000 students have had their lives changed through the time-honored tradition of classical ballet training.
Ballet Arizona has a philosophy that a performance can change a life. As donors, you’ve helped change more than a million lives with your support.
Do you wonder what outcomes your support today will create over the next 20 years? What new innovative new works could premiere at Symphony Hall? How many more people we might reach through our Education & Community Engagement programming? How classical ballet will evolve over the next two decades? What impact will your gifts create we cannot even fathom today?
It’s incredibly exciting to think about what the future might bring, where we can go from here. Thank you for providing the support that makes today and tomorrow possible.