Orpheum Theatre

About Orpheum Theatre

The Orpheum Theatre is an intimate setting for Ballet and Opera performances with only 1,062 seats in the main orchestra level and 302 seats in the balcony. Built it 1929, in the Spanish Baroque Revival Style, the Orpheum is a gorgeous backdrop for ballet performances! The theatre is the only theatre designated historic in the Valley, and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985.

Beginning in the 1980s, The Orpheum was purchased by the City of Phoenix and restored at a total cost in excess of $14 million dollars. The City of Phoenix 1988 citizens’ bond election authorized $7 million for Orpheum restoration and the Phoenix Civic Plaza Building Corporation authorized additional funding. Organized by the Junior League of Phoenix, the Orpheum Theatre Foundation was established as a non-profit organization in 1989 to raise private sector funds to supplement the publicly authorized funds and to enable a complete restoration. The Orpheum reopened on January 28, 1997 with Carol Channing in Hello Dolly.”


The Ballet does not discriminate against employees, patrons, program beneficiaries, or the general public based upon any characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local law, including based on upon race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, national origin, age, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Accessible Seating

Accessible seating is available at Orpheum Theatre for patrons requiring wheelchair access or other special needs. It is located in Orpheum in Section B, Rows 8, 10, and 28 as well as Section C, Row 28.

Please inform your ticketing representative of your seating needs when purchasing in order to take advantage of wheelchair and companion seating. You can contact our Box Office at 602.381.1096 (711 for Relay Services) for details and seat availability.

Large Print Programs

Large print programs are available at performances. Please see the front-of-house staff for assistance.

Assistive Listening System

Infrared Assistive Listening System is available for use at Symphony Hall. Headsets may be checked out at the coat check areas.

Directions and Parking

Please arrive early. There is no late seating; patrons who arrive late will not be able to take their assigned seats until the first intermission. Will Call and the Ticketing Office at each performance venue opens one hour before each show.
For more information, please contact our Box Office at 602.381.1096. The Ballet Arizona Box Office is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thank you! We’ll see you at the show!

Before The Show

As you prepare for an unforgettable performance, there are a few things you’ll want to know before you arrive, including venue details, accessibility services, and ticket policies.
Experience 3 dynamic ballets set to breathtaking music! | SPRING MIX March 27th - 30th