This is your who’s who guide to the characters of The Sleeping Beauty who will be gracing the stage of Symphony Hall in Downtown Phoenix on October 25th – 28th!

Bio: Princess and only child of the King and Queen, and gets cursed on her christening day. On her 16th birthday she pricks her finger and falls into a deep sleep for 100 years until Prince Désiré (a.k.a. her true love) rescues her with a kiss!

Bio: During a hunting trip with friends, the Prince gets a visit from the Lilac Fairy, who shows him a vision of Aurora and just like that he’s in love. After a confrontation with the evil fairy Carabosse, he finds Aurora and wakes her up with true love’s kiss – how cute!

Lilac Fairy
Bio: A powerful fairy who looks over Aurora and originally planned to bestow the gift of wisdom to the little princess but things change once Carabosse crashes the party and instead Lilac changes the evil fairy’s curse so that Aurora sleeps until woken up by true love’s kiss. She makes sure Prince Désiré finds Aurora and ensures the kingdom lives happily ever after. She is hands down one of the best fairy godmother’s ever.

Bio: Also known as the evil fairy, Carabosse is bitter that she wasn’t invited to Aurora’s christening so she shows up anyway and ruins the party. After casting a curse on Aurora to die on her 16th birthday, she runs away before the Lilac Fairy can stop her but no worries because in the end her evil plan is stopped.

The Fairies
Friends with the Lilac Fairy, each of them bestow Aurora with a gift on her christening day and party it up with her at the royal wedding.
- Fairy of the Crystal Fountain
- Gift: Grace
- Fairy of the Enchanted Garden
- Gift: Beauty
- Fairy of the Woodland Glade
- Gift: Generosity
- The Songbird Fairy
- Gift: Song
- Fairy of the Golden Vine
- Gift: Temperament

King Florestan:
Bio: Aurora’s dad and ruler of the kingdom, who becomes extremely protective of his daughter after Carabosse’s curse.
Bio: Aurora’s mom, wife of King Florestan and good friends with the Lilac Fairy.
The Wedding Guests

The White Cat
Bio: An enchanted princess that is trapped in the form of a cat, who is waiting for her prince to arrive and break her curse. Unfortunately it isn’t true love’s kiss that will help, instead he needs to chop off her head and tail to free her.
Puss ‘n Boots
Bio: A cat with magical powers, who uses trickery and deceit to gain power. He also serves the youngest son of a miller, who just so happens to be the White Cat’s true love.

Red Riding Hood
Bio: A young, gullible village girl who like to bring baked goodies to her grandmother.
The Wolf
Bio: A deceitful and cunning animal animal with a very large appetite, who enjoys eating people.

Princess Florine
Bio: Another enchanted princess who was trapped in a tower by her evil stepmother, but thanks to her loyal subjects, she manages to break free and rescue her beloved prince.
Bio: A prince who gets transformed into a bird by the evil fairy godmother of Princess Florine’s stepsister (how complicated). As a bird he visited Princess Florine when she was trapped in the tower and eventually gets rescued by her.